1 - Clean your tongue -tongue is like a shaggy carpet where all kinds of smelly stuff can hide. When you brush your teeth use your toothbrush, the edge of a spoon, or a tongue cleaner to "scrape" your tongue.

2 - Keeping  mouth moisturized. A dry mouth is a stinky mouth. That's why your breath is worse in the morning; your mouth produces less saliva as you sleep. Saliva is the enemy of bad breath because not only does it physically wash bacteria and food particles away, but it also has antiseptic and enzymes that kill bacteria.

3 -When you brush your teeth, also brush your tongue. This is also a good way to prevent/cure bad breath.

4 - Brush the roof of your mouth and the surrounding gums but remember to do this lightly as this can cause bleeding.

5 - Microbes are naturally everywhere. In some areas of the body, including the mouth, bacteria can be helpful.

6 - Mouthwash is only a temporary fix. It masks the odor.
Brush back of your tongue in the morning when you haven't eaten anything when it makes you feel sick all the phlegm should come out and it will help get rid of bacteria

7 - Floss often after you brush your teeth, and use mouthwash if it helps .

8 - Brush the other side of your teeth because there can be plaque there. Also make sure to get mouth wash in the back of that area.

9 - Chemical antiseptics were a logical step in the development of a halitosis treatment, and they are still widely used today.

10 - Using a mouth freshener or breath mint will relieve short-term causes of bad breath.

11 - gum will help with bad breath because the chewing action results in more saliva being produced. Some gums, however, have better bad-breath-fighting abilities than others.

12 -Oxygen for bad breath is a logical approach that exploits the knowledge that most offensive breath odor is produced by anaerobic bacteria.

13 - Brushing and flossing are the basics of a good breath health regimen.

HOW TO MAKE TEETH WHITE - 7 best simple methods that work fast and cheap.

step 1 -  Use peroxide whether in gel, strip, or liquid form--to dissolve surface stains to whiten teeth
Teeth surfaces are made up of thousands of tiny dentinal tubules--hollow structures stacked horizontally, like thin straws.
 They're extremely porous and absorb pigments from food and drink.Peroxide bubbles into the tubules and lightens those pigments.

Step 2 -  Reduces in take of antibiotic tetracycline Stains caused by antibiotics, like tetracycline, are also tricky, because they can occur in the layers inside the tooth, which brighteners can't reach. Your dentist will be able to advise you about the best method for you.

step 3 - Your dentist can custom-fit you with plastic dental trays, kind of like retainers, which you fill with a peroxide gel and wear at home. You could see brighter teeth within a few days, though some people need up to four weeks to see results.

step 4 - The refrigerator deodorizer also removes discoloration on your teeth. The abrasive particles polish the surface while a chemical reaction between baking soda and water lightens stains

step 5 - Eat Foods that are high in cellulose--a strong starchlike compound found in celery, carrots, and apples--act as natural abrasives, cleansing teeth and removing surface stains naturally

Step - 6  make a paste of equal amount of lemon juice and salt. Brush your teeth with the solution to whiten them at home

step -7   Use Wood ash is a very effective whitening agent due to the presence of potassium hydroxide in it. The only recommendation is to use this remedy sparingly, because potassium hydroxide is a rather harsh chemical that can damage your teeth.

Tonsil Stone Treatments and Remedies With Favorite Tonsil Stone Removal Method Used by People

 • Step 1- Immerse the swab in warm water and remove the excess of it by squeezing.

• Step 2- Now stand in front of the mirror and keep your mouth wide open. Use a flashlight to see the back of your throat and take a mental calculation regarding the position of the stones.

• Step 3- Wipe the area with the swab to disinfect the area. Apply pressure gently on the crypt in which the stone is present. Repeat the procedure slowly and make sure that you do not push them deep into the pockets. This is an effective tonsil stone removal method is carried out in patience. You should not exert too much pressure because it can lead to bleeding or trauma of the organ.

• Step 4- Once the stone is removed from the pocket, gargle with saline water to prevent infection. Make sure that you do not swallow the stone in a hurry. This can lead to further complications.
This is a sure shot tonsil stone removal method. Hundreds of people have gained relief from their complaints using this procedure. There are many sites present online from where you can get more information regarding this treatment and its complications.

People are often confused about how to get rid of tonsil stones or tonsiliths. I have seen many questions regarding this topic in the public forums. They do not know which stream to adopt to solve their complaints. Here are a few effective tips on how to get rid of tonsil stones.

• Diet plays an important role in the management of tonsiliths. There are many people who do not know how to get rid of tonsil stones by making alterations in their dietary regimen. Cut down dairy products and reduce the intake of calcium. If you are lactose intolerant then it is advisable to avoid the intake of calcium. When the level of calcium increases in the body it will lead to deposition of this substance in the pockets of the tonsils. Eventually they get calcified and become stones. They also help in building up of mucous which is another major constituent of the tonsil stones. Prevention is always better than cure and this should be kept in mind during the course of treatment.

• Make it a habit to take your meals thirty minutes before bedtime. Do not take dinner and immediately go to sleep. The food particles should be given time to pass the throat and reach the stomach. Brush your teeth after every meal if you are prone to have stones.

• It is advisable to perform brushing and flossing everyday as they keep your mouth free of bacteria.

• Gargling is another effective technique which will help you to get rid of tonsil stone. Normal saline solution can be used after every meal to flush out the food particles from your mouth. How to get rid of tonsil stones using gargling is still a doubt among the people in the West.

• Using tongue cleaner regularly is healthy and will help to remove the micro organisms which reside on your tongue.
Thousands of people all around the country were relieved using these methods. There are many books written on how to get rid of tonsiliths available in the market. You can get a copy to know more about this illness.

To produce your own tonsil stone treatment is easy - simply gargle with salt and water. This solution will help keep the mouth clean preventing bacteria growth.

Another tonsil stone treatment is to use a curved tip syringe to squirt out the stone. This needs to be a curved tip syringe, using an ordinary syringe does not help. Fill up your syringe with salted water, then point the syringe inside the tonsil crypt where the white patch is located - then squirt!
If you don't have a curved tip syringe, some people will use a water-jet irrigate. This is an electronic dental cleaning device. Try to put the pressure at the lowest and clean out the area with the tonsil rocks.

Cotton Swab- Cotton swabs are commonly preferred by the people in tonsil stone removal. This technique is effective only if the stone is not present deep in the pocket. You should be able to control your gag reflex while doing this procedure otherwise you will end up vomiting and coughing.

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